web 2.0

Monday, August 31, 2009

Great Strategy for Adults and Kids

Patti Handy is a Cash Coach for Teens, however her advice is sound for all age groups. Take a minute to watch this short video Patti produced:

She has a weekly posting similar to this so be sure to check out her latest. If you have children and want to teach them money management skills, I do recommend Patti's book "How to Ditch Your Allowance and be Richer than Your Parents"

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Secret to Success

Hey Reader,

Lean in close, I need to tell you
something, in confidence.

Just a little closer... "Ready?"

"See, I know the secret. The secret
to you becoming a raving success.
The secret to you having everything
you've ever wanted in life."

"Would you like to know what the secret

Here it is...

"Do something, do anything, just do it."

Most people shuffle through life too
afraid of the possibility of failure
to ever even try to succeed.

But, you're not like most people are you?

You're strong, brave and not afraid to
take a little tiny risk. A little tiny
risk that could unlock all the success
you deserve.

Take the risk, it's going to take you off
the path of mediocrity and send you flying
down the road of success.

I promise...

Do something, do anything, right now!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learn to Fail with Purpose

No learning experience is quite as powerful as learning from your mistakes.

Whatever happened to that famous saying, "if at first you don’t succeed try and try again"? Yet how afraid are we of failing? Sometimes we do not even start on a new adventure because we area afraid of failing.

Try for a different job? Oh no, can’t do that. Take a different route, cook a new meal, experiment with new seeds, learn to ride a motorcycle, ski dive, exercise...

If we do not have the courage to try out small things such as trying a new food, how can we ever find the courage it takes to leave one career and start something totally different? Or to learn Mandarin and work in China, or to volunteer to work in Rwanda.

What about the courage to start running for a marathon. Or add swimming and cycling to your running to try your hand at a triathlon. What about finding a new hobby like paragliding, or wind surfing, or learn a new game?

For each one of these activities and challenges there are many small steps of trial and error that will get you there. You don’t need to immediately enter a marathon. You can run a few 5km races first. In fact you don’t even need to run, you can take part in walks. Try out little events and build up to the full one.

All it takes is for you to have the courage to fail once in a while. Take some time to learn to pronounce that Mandarin word, or learn to write a character. You will get it wrong many times because it is so different from our western language and alphabet. But what a wonderful feeling when you get it right because you know you have achieved something big.

Didn’t quite finish that first marathon? You will have learned from the experience. You will have learned that you didn’t drink enough, shouldn’t have run in new shoes, needed something to stop the chafing, a hat to keep cool, more training or better nutrition. There will be many new lessons. And some of those lessons will extend further than your running. They will be life lessons that will help you in other areas.

Regrettably we start off our educational experience learning that failure is bad for us. When we fail at school we are punished. We might be moved to another class, or even have to repeat the year. We certainly will not get the certificate that the valedictorian received.

If we fail at school we will not be asked to make the final speech. We will not have our name on a plaque in the entrance. We will not play in the first team and we have no chance of attending a good University. Failing in school is not good for you.

The work environment is seldom any different. You don’t get promotion if you lose a big sale or a big customer. You are not encouraged to fail at anything. And the people who get promoted are usually the ones who have less failures.

With this kind of learning, it’s hardly surprising that we don’t try out new things or challenge ourselves to reach loftier goals. Failure is bad. Can’t do failure. So we don’t even try. However, holding ourselves back because of fear of failure is the ultimate failure.

What we must remember is that success follows failure. If we learn from our mistakes and always strive to do better we can master even most challenging tasks. The mastery of any skills is the culmination of many failures and successes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Practice more action and less planning

Many people never get past paper planning of what they want to achieve in life. Their successes stay firmly rooted on paper and never see the light of day. If this has happened to you, be aware that you are not alone.

So why did you never reach your goals? Why didn't you have the energy to move past the planning stage? Successful people do more and plan less. They do not wait for the right moment to get going. We had a saying in the Army that was something like this"an 80% solution on time is better than a 100% solution too late."

Successful people don’t wait until the end of a recession to start their dream business. They don’t wait until the summer to start their swimming program. They don’t wait until they have a flawless resume before they start applying for jobs. They just do it.

So what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the perfect moment, or the right amount of inspiration. Do you need permission from someone else to become successful or are you waiting for your partners or family to reassure you?

Do you think a successful partnership will happen if somebody else changes, or do you wait for the right person to come along. Have you sat at home not wanting to start that small business because you were waiting for your kids to grow up?

Or maybe you are hoping the laws will change, or that somebody will spot your talent, head hunt you or notice your exceptional skills.

Maybe you are even waiting for somebody to pass on clear instructions or you are hoping as you get older that you will develop more self-confidence. And most probably you are waiting until everybody thinks you are great and nobody will laugh at your attempts at achieving your goals.

All of these points indicate fear of failure. Fear to take this new step. If you are frightened that you will not achieve your goal. You worry that people will criticize you. You carry around with you a number of limiting beliefs that prevent you from taking any action whatsoever.

No action means you will get nowhere and definitely will not reach your goal. Yet taking some form of action, even if a very tiny step could lead you to having the courage to take the next one.

You could find that the first step is a tiny success story on its own. Not only will this first step bring you some action with results even if small, it could mean that the momentum has started and the environment starts to support your efforts. It could also mean that you take courage and find it easier to take the next step. Take that first step. Make the first move.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Go Out and Hustle

There are many people who have wondered why the Law of Attraction isn’t working for them. Here they are with their goals all nicely worked out, their vision board beautifully made up with amazing pictures, poetry, even some multimedia bits. Yet nothing has come about.

One can plan, one can write strategies, and one can draw the best charts that anybody has ever seen. But if you do not take any action towards your goals you will never reach them.

Affirmations open your mind to what can be done. Visualization lets you work out how your holidays will look and how you will feel while in that picture. But without action to move you towards your dreams you will go nowhere.

When you take action, things start to happen. Attending a course you need to progress your career will likely result in new acquaintances who may help you further.

Take action to go on that dream vacation. Start saving money, or studying the language and culture of the people where you want to go. Find people who have been there and get advice on how to travel for less money.

You want that special car? Take action towards getting it. That might mean finding an additional of income. You want to graduate with honors, start teaching other students. Nothing is quite as good for revision than having to know enough to teach somebody else.

You want to take part in a marathon and get in better shape? Find a running club and join this week. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford those expensive running shoes just yet. Go and run in your old sneakers.

Start towards your goal by actually taking the first steps and doing something. Get the journey started. To get the success you hope for yourself, take the same action other successful people have taken.

Follow the path that successful people have taken and make it your own. Create your own plan and take action. That is take physical action, don’t just imagine the action. Write an e-mail, introduce yourself to an important person in your field, sign up to a course, write your first article for your new blog.

Whatever it is, do it. Regrettably in life, nothing will happen if you don’t take action. No amount of recorded motivational speaking will get you to your goal. No hours of visualization will get you your new car. No hours of reading other people’s success stories will make you successful.

Take action. Make that first move. Do the very first thing that you have noted in your action plan. And then take the next step and the next. Eventually moving along will have it’s own dynamics and you will find yourself moving along steadily and surely towards your goal.

Just do it!

Don’t create success and lie in it set another goal

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The #1 Reason Why Most Goals Never Manifest

I am sure you understand the idea of setting goals in life to empower yourself. Perhaps what you don't know is that goals require a constant stream of force behind them to keep them alive. In other words, you need to push them all the time to make them come true.

Constantly pushing of your goals, while necessary, is also detrimental to the effective manifestation of the goals themselves. Goals are artificially created by the mind and backed up by the concepts and beliefs that allow them to work.

Take away the concepts and beliefs that give them the foundation to live and your goals will evaporate in no time at all.

How Does This Look in Practice?

Let’s assume you've set a goal to lose weight. As you may already know, it is important to set each goal precisely. So losing weight, like any goal, should include exact particulars of what you want to accomplish. Let’s say you want to lose 25 pounds over the next three months, starting today. This goal needs a foundation to work. You need to have some sort of motivation that encourages you to accomplish this goal.

Perhaps one or more of the following acts as your motivation to lose the weight:
  • You want to look attractive to others
  • You want to look attractive to your partner
  • You believe that you are overweight
  • You want to fit into your favorite dress or pants again
You need a reason to lose the weight, something that can motivate you to achieve your goal. Whatever the reason behind the goal, you absolutely need to have one, otherwise you won’t have the motivation to even start.

Think of the reason as the decision to change something in your life and the motivation as the energy that affects that change.

The mere act of starting on any goal can be incredibly challenging as it involves being willing to change some of your usual behaviors and concepts in life. We all know what a challenge changing your behavior and concepts can be!

Behavior is changed in the physical domain while concepts are changed in the mental domain. This double whammy of both the physical and the mental is what makes a simple life change like weight loss such a challenge to bring off successfully.

Successful goals always come from a corresponding change in the mental domain.

Why is This?

Simply put, it is because your mind and your thoughts are what create your reality. If you change only your behavior, you will have only short-term success. In time, you will fall back into your old patterns of behavior – the very thing you tried to change in the first place!

So let's assume you are in the second month of your weight loss goal and your partner leaves you. What happens to your goal about losing weight? It doesn’t matter anymore, it diminishes and evaporates into thin air. You just took away both the foundation and the energy for accomplishing your goal. You no longer have a reason and you've lost your motivation.

The problem with goals is that they depend on life circumstances – and they are always forced by mental concepts.

How About Dreams?

Your dreams are powered by Source, by the ultimate power of consciousness. Your dreams are the recognition of what you can do with the unique gifts and talents you have brought into this life. Every person exists with a unique set of talents. These talents lead to a unique way of expressing themselves through various forms of creativity. Universal creativity is really what powers everything behind all manifestation.

With this creativity you are able to serve other people, and in return, you get rewarded with a form of energy. In Western civilization, the most common reward is often money, but creative rewards often come in many other energetic forms like status and recognition, authority, greater outreach to others and more.

In Summary:
You discover your strengths, gifts and talents. You find ways to use them that enrich and support society in practical ways. You are in service to others for serving others in this way is truly life’s ultimate purpose.

Your dreams are powered by your unique creative abilities. These abilities are like a never-ending fountain, the wellspring of your life. They will always be with you, in good times and bad. They are completely apart from and independent of mental concepts. They are powered by your true nature. You can deny them, but you can’t get rid of them.

Even on the worst day of your life, your dreams still exist. If you don’t live your dreams, you must constantly suppress them by engaging in mental concepts like:
  • I am too old to start
  • I don’t know how to do it
  • Nobody will be interested in it
  • My friends will hate me when I do it
  • You name it!
I have used the words force and power in association with goals and dreams. To understand the concepts behind these words, I highly recommend David Hawkins' book Power Versus Force. Here are a few definitions from the book that help explain the idea of power versus force:
  • Force is associated with the partial, power with the whole
  • Force must always be justified, power requires no justification
  • Force always creates counter-force and its effect is limited by definition
  • Force is a movement, power is a skill
  • Force always moves against something, power doesn’t move against anything at all
  • Force is incomplete and therefore has to be fed energy constantly
  • Power is total and complete in itself and requires nothing from outside
  • Force constantly consumes while power energizes, supplies and supports
  • Pow er gives life and energy, force takes these away
  • Power is associated with compassion, force is associated with judgment
  • Force requires proof and support, power is inarguable and not subject to proof

People who fulfill their dreams are the happiest people on earth.

They do what’s in their nature. In the end, it is completely irrelevant to them what kind of dreams they have. Dreams don’t need to fit into anything. They don’t need any approval. They don’t need any money to start.

Goals are temporary fixes of your mental desires that do not provide you with lasting happiness. The new car will get old and rusty, the new house will lose its charm over time, and if your goal is to create the perfect partner, you will begin to see your partner’s imperfections over time as well.

Your dreams are a recognition of what you truly are and how you can contribute to this world. You will never do anything else in life more important than this. In fact, in a very real sense there is nothing else in life but this. There is no true retirement from the contributions you can make in this life. You literally live the dream that is your life to your very last breath.

Why not start today to live your dreams in earnest? Check out the Dream Manifestation Kit. It is the perfect tool to help you manifest all your goals, desires and life dreams.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Your lack of know-how and limited funds will
never slow you down again!

“I would love to find success in the world”. “I would
love that but I have No mentor, No online talent and No
money to do it”

How many times have thoughts like this kept you from
pursuing your dreams?

Ray Kroc was a 52 year old salesman of milkshake machines.
He knew nothing about running A restaurant, starting a franchise,
or running a major business. He did not have the talent or money
needed to start a franchise and yet he created the most successful
restaurant franchise system in history- McDonalds.

How can this be?

How can obstacles that stop most dead in their tracks be a
launching pad for the successful ones?

Well, when successful people, whether their successful at
the time or not, are confronted with an insurmountable
roadblock they simply see it as a signal.

It’s a green light signal that the situation their in
requires outside help.

So what should you do?

You want to invest in a mentor who will show you the skills
to use and provide some external accountability. All you need
is a great mentor, who is going to show you the best strategies
to reach your dreams in record time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Achieving Goals Requires Real Action

Set your goals and create an action plan. Decide what you are
going to achieve in how much time. In broad strokes develop a
diagram that shows what needs to be done and be as thorough
as possible while developing this.

That’s all very well. What’s next? Elaborate
diagrams are not going to get you closer to your goals. This
is the next step then. You need to create a to-do list. From
your diagram you will be able to work out what needs to be
done and in what sequence.

Many people get stuck at this point. Planning is always easier
than execution. Once you start doing things you inevitably
start facing challenges, obstacles, and of course the people
who sabotage your efforts.

Nothing is more difficult to overcome than sabotage by "friends"
and family. Often times the sabotage is not done intentionally,
at least not at a conscious level. However, your decision to
change can be frightening to others.

You have been considering change for a long time. You've mulled
it over, weighed the pros and cons, and finally decided to take
action. Your friends and family have most likely not been in on
your internal debates so your plan hits them out of the blue
and disrupts the comfort zone they have with you.

This little problem along with obstacles you've planned for will
make it very difficult to start the actual activities necessary
to achieve your goal. Even just making the first step becomes a
hurdle when one starts to think through the perceived

These are all real obstacles and you will need to overcome them.
You will need support to achieve your goals and bringing those
closest to you into the planning will help co-opt them to help
you succeed.

Take that first step and you will be amazed how many people are
actually applauding.

To overcome the many obstacles you will face it is a good idea
to create a real action plan. By planning real-time actions you
are placing the focus on doing rather than thinking. Moving on
your goals is far more useful than sitting around thinking
negative thoughts.

Schedule at least five actions you want to take and schedule
the completion of the most important one as the very first task
to complete. If you complete your toughest job first all others
will feel like a stroll in the park.

As an example if you need to cold call a company for a
sponsorship or endorsement deal and you have never them before
you will want to complete this task first of all otherwise it
will hang over you.

Another great way to accomplish your tasks is to prepare your
list and plan the night before. This way you are ready to roll
first thing in the morning. Eliminate any excuses and get
started on your list.

Many people will waste an entire day trying to decide what they
want to do that day. And the next day the same process stops
them from achieving anything again. It can be an endless cycle
of non-action.

Prepare your action plan with your key tasks the evening before
and you will have no excuse not to go for it. Once you have
achieved a momentum you will find it easier to work every day
on reaching your goals.

Information For healthy living

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Value of a Mastermind

Consider the wealth of knowledge contained in a room of experts with different backgrounds, talents, and in different fields: - the areas where you lack expertise. Now imagine that group of experts is collaborating so that you can achieve your goals and dreams.

I’ve been in mastermind groups for just over 2 years. My first mastermind experience was with a group I paid to be a member of. This was a diverse group business men and women focused on improving our current ventures or starting a new business. A few of us broke out of that group and started our own, smaller, more focused mastermind. The diversity of our backgrounds and experience is our strength. This group continues to be an incredible resource for me. There is a special kind of bond that happens when you regularly connect people who are pursuing similar goals and life ambitions. In fact we just met in Dallas for our quarterly meeting.

Mastermind groups are a great way to move forward, whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee. I began this new mastermind group to help me focus on the challenges that all small business owners face: thinking bigger, discovering what works (and what doesn’t) from your peers, leveraging each other’s skills and education, sharing proven resources, etc. This kind of connection time is a powerful way to leap forward in your thinking and results.

Here are five insights of why a Mastermind helps you thrive:

1. Brainstorming is more powerful where two or more minds are gathered. When you tap into the power of a mastermind, opportunities are unlimited. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich talked about the power of the third mind. This is a type of synergistic potentiality that can only happen when multiple people build on each other’s ideas. Often our thoughts are limited to our current and past experiences, so the more diverse the group, the more powerful the breakthroughs can be.

2. Personal accountability. It is easy to slip into the habits that have kept us in our current challenges when we follow the same old routines. We can be our own worst enemies when it comes to accountability and staying on track. For many of us there is no boss, just goals. We will let ourselves off the hook when necessary or slide into playing small again. When you have a mastermind call or live retreat to prepare for and you know that people are going to be listening to your updates, it’s like a kick in the pants to remember to stay on track. In our group we follow a simple agenda:

· What did you accomplish since our last meeting?

· What are your challenges obstacles?

· What will you accomplish before our next meeting?

· What is the leverage? (more about this later)

3. Other people’s ideas can stimulate a healthy challenge. It only takes one new idea to put you on track for incredible results. There is a difference between playing it safe and stepping into our bigger game. Left to our own devices…most of us unconsciously play small. When you listen to how others think and strategize, it can help you grow and expand your “box” as well as challenge you to play a bigger game.

4. The realization that your obstacles are shared by many. It can be comforting to know you aren’t the only one who has struggles and challenges. Transformation starts the minute you become aware of the problem. But if we aren’t aware that something is a problem, then it’s impossible to fix it. Many times a fellow group member’s breakthrough can be exactly what you needed to hear to help you realize where you’ve been getting in your own way.

5. Overcome isolation to thrive with connection. Dan Kennedy says, “Being an entrepreneur is the loneliest job on the planet.” Most of us work alone from home, surrounded by people who need something from us or just don’t understand our passion for our work. A mastermind can be a powerful way to stay connected to people who get us, overcome the feeling of isolation and be a springboard for taking your business into new dimensions of success.

If you are interested in starting or joining a mastermind group shoot me an email and I’ll help you get started.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Expect Success

That’s right! Don’t sit back and hope that clients will come your way and that this business might work for you. Expect it! Go in with a winning attitude. An attitude that no matter what obstacles come your way, no matter what challenges arise, you will meet them. Not only will you meet them, you will face them and grow in strength by overcoming, and rising above them. Expect Success!

Let's look at where you are in your business. Some of you are seasoned work-at-home moms with thriving practices, while others have just entered into the arena. You want what those pros have. Well -- don't just want it—expect it. Make this your motto. Start each new project, or each new marketing venture, with this new attitude, and with this new motto—Expect Success. Before long, it becomes second nature to you. You start automatically assuming the outcome will be successful.

Now, in starting a business there are some steps you have to take. You'll find the first one is the big one. It's the Attitude Step. You need to make the transformation from "employee" or "stay-at-home mom” to successful entrepreneur. The mind-set changes right from there. Expect Success!

Next we're on to some of the business basics. A successful entrepreneur professionally chooses the name that best suits their business. To do this, they visualize that name on their business cards, on their signature line, on the bottom of the letter, with the name President directly right above it. Expect Success! Now, more motivated than ever, our successful entrepreneur needs to choose that all important domain name and get ideas for a website. They research the net for days, weeks, writing down all the fine qualities they see in other web sites. Never copying! Merely researching, constantly thinking of ways to be different and unique makes it work. How they can combine their own strengths and skills to fit into their business, which will then be listed on THEIR WEB SITE. They read. They write. They Dream!

At this point they start seeing that "Yes, it will happen." In their research they have found the organizations, associations and list-serves that the other entrepreneurs in their field are active on. They have seen the common denominators of those that are successful. They too get involved. They look for additional training courses, if needed, and sign up for the ones they know will help them meet their goals. They develop their marketing plan and design their promotional materials. They read everything they can on starting a business. They have a plan and they EXPECT SUCCESS!! They now see that the future of their business is just within their reach. They share with others their excitement, and then they wait for the time they can finally say, “I'm ready!” EXPECT SUCCESS, and it can be yours.


Diana Ennen, Author; Virtual Assistant the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA with co-author, Kelly Poelker. She’s the president of Virtual Word Publishing, www.virtualwordpublishing.com, offering publicity and book marketing. Article is free to be reprinted as long as author’s bio remains intact.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Set your goals high and don't stop until you get there.”
- Bo Jackson

Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Smart Goals
Specific – The more specific you can make your goal the more likely you are to achieve it. Being specific is not about being inflexible, rather it is about thinking in detail about what it is you will accomplish. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "W" questions:
*Who: Who is involved?
*What: What do I want to accomplish?
*Where: Identify a location.
*When: Establish a time frame.
*Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
*Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal.
EXAMPLE: A general goal would be, "Get in shape." But a specific goal would say, "I will shed 15 pounds of unsightly fat, reducing my body fat percentage to 11 in 60 days. To accomplish this I will join xyz health club and do 3 resistance and 3 cardio workouts a week. I'll also adjust my eating habits to conform with a 40/30/30 ratio of carbs/protiens/fats to speed my metabolism and help my body recover from the workouts. Achieving this goal will help me increase my self confidence and help me be a better player on the rugby team."
Smart Goals
Measurable - Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goal.
To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as......How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
Smart Goals
Attainable - When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.
You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. Goals that may have seemed far away and out of reach eventually move closer and become attainable, not because your goals shrink, but because you grow and expand to match them. When you list your goals you build your self-image. You see yourself as worthy of these goals, and develop the traits and personality that allow you to possess them.
Smart Goals
Realistic - To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. A high goal is frequently easier to reach than a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force. Some of the hardest jobs you ever accomplished actually seem easy simply because they were a labor of love.
Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accomplished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine if you have accomplished anything similar in the past or ask yourself what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.
Smart Goals
Timely - A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there's no sense of urgency. If you want to lose 15 lbs, when do you want to lose it by? "Someday" won't work. But if you anchor it within a time-frame, "by May 1st", then you've set your unconscious mind into motion to begin working on the goal.
T can also stand for Tangible - A goal is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses, that is, taste, touch, smell, sight or hearing. When your goal is tangible you have a better chance of making it specific and measurable and thus attainable.

This article was adopted from a similar article posted at topendsports.com to see the original article click here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Let go of the Past to Embrace the Future

Most of us do not see how previous experiences affect our ability to set and reach worthy goals. It is really quite important to understand the influence our experiences have over all we think and do.

Some of these experiences boost our confidence and increase our ability to achieve. Others influence into a negative mindset, hindering us from working towards a goal. In all cases these experiences affect how well we do when setting and working towards a new goal. The purpose of this post is to help you identify and get rid of self-limitations.

Some of us go through life dragging these anchors around. It slows us down, impacts our ability to react to the changes in our life and it certainly weighs you down when trying to work towards new goals. Releasing yourself from these weights will enable you to move quicker and succeed more easily.

These anchors take many shapes perhaps what’s holding you back are past hurts, past failures, past resentments, anger or fear. Yet letting go of those anchors could be what you need so that you can fly into the future.

Have you allowed past failures to slow you down in achieving new successes? Have you remembered a friend telling you that you and idea was stupid, or you will never achieve a goal? Do you remember the teacher at school who told you, you were an idiot and could not do anything anyway?

What about your parents? Did they always encourage or discourage you? Did they support you with your school activities and sporting endeavors or did they show no interest?

What have you allowed those people to do to your confidence in moving forward and achieving new successes? Have they kept you back because you remembered what they said about you? Do your memories of anger, resentment and desire for revenge make you waste valuable energy that could be used to better effect in attaining success?

It’s important to move forward in your life with love and forgiveness. Forgive those who have held you back, hurt you, lied to you, or stolen from you. Letting go will release all that negative energy and will provide you with new-found momentum to excel in life and attain successes that you might have never thought possible.

Best way to realize this release is to actually write down all the people you need to forgive (including yourself). Work on each of these hurts/failures/disappointments until you are able to forgive them.

Negativity can be unbelievably draining and in many cases can even be harmful to your health. The new-found energy found as you release the past will amaze you.

Yet forgiving somebody and letting go of hurts and resentments is one of life's biggest challenges. Especially when we feel that someone has hurt us, made us lose our confidence, and contributed to our inability to succeed in life intentionally.

We must realize that it is not the people who have hurt us that are holding us back from earning the successes we deserve. Rather, it is the fact that we allow those experiences to hold us back. For your own sake forgive the people who have hurt you. It will clear the way to personal achievements you would not otherwise even dream of reaching.

Tomorrow: Setting Realistic Achievable Goals

Friday, August 7, 2009

Creating your own vision

It is often said that we keep our dreams too small. We do not dare to dream big. Before we even start, we already expect too little and think we are only worth small successes. The first step towards creating your own vision is to be aware of the negative affect self limitation can have. Don’t hold back.

Creating a little vision or a big one will take you the same amount of time. So why not start off big. Instead of envisioning a two-bedroom cottage, why not paint the picture of a three-bedroom home with a lovely garden, a swimming pool, and an entertainment area.

Don’t stop at just creating a vision of your ideal home. Spend time deciding on what you would like to see happening in your work life and where you would like to be within the next ten and then the next twenty years of working.

How do you see your personal relationships develop? Have you any ideas on your life partner, whether you wish to have a family, the friends you would like to socialize with and the associations and worthwhile causes you would like to get involved in?

Where do you see your education and knowledge developing? Do you have ideas about a degree you might wish to study for, or a new hobby you would like to learn? What about speaking a new language or immersing yourself in a new culture?

Which distant countries would you like to explore and visit? Any adventure travel you have always wanted to try such as river rafting, hot air ballooning, water skiing or snorkeling? Have you got around to running your first marathon or competing in a ballroom dancing competition?

Creating your vision and putting milestones to when you would like to have achieved your dreams will enable you to get where you want to be much easier than if you amble through life without any particular focus.

What you will find once you have created your vision is that there will be many people who will want to talk you out of them. They will be the ones who will assure you that you are crazy and it can’t be done.

There will even be those who laugh and ridicule you. Possibly for these people the disappointment that they did not reach their goals is what drives them to try to destroy other people’s. Whatever their reason, ignore them. If they persist, change friends or avoid meeting up with them.

What you need in your life is not “nay-sayers”. And regrettably there are more of those around than the ones that you truly need. You need to surround yourself with people who love your dreams, wish you all the best and encourage you to go for them.

Sometimes those people are not easy to find. Regrettably the world has more people that do not believe in dreaming beyond one’s ‘station’ in life. They are the people who believe in keeping the status quo and not moving past perceived boundaries.

It is absolutely true that you can achieve what you dream about. With the growth of social media like facebook, you can easily find a group of like-minded people who will support you in your quest to achieve your goals.

Tomorrow we'll start a step by step goal setting process. In the meantime start thinking about goals you want to set for the different areas of your life.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

De-clutter your life

Make room for goals in your life. That is often easier said than done isn’t it. But what if you want to learn a new skill, something that is outside your current comfort zone. Perhaps something that will help you further your career. Take a look at your life and see how much time you actually have available.

Will a new goal fit into your life? If you are already rushing every day to complete the tasks you have to do in terms of your commitments to work, family, parents, and keeping in touch with your friends where will the new goal fit in?

Somehow in our mind the time available to us has an elasticity that has no boundary. Of course this is not the case and we frequently set ourselves up for failure by not de-cluttering our life sufficiently to make time to achieve a goal we have set.

Examine your day and see where you spend your time. How much of your time is being wasted on non-productive activities? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your new goal? Get rid of the clutter that keeps you busy but gets you absolutely nowhere.

Most of us have mountains of clutter around. This could be physical clutter that means that every time we are looking for something it takes twice the time to find. It could be hours spent surfing the Internet, or little tasks that would be better served by delegating?

All it requires to de-clutter your life is a closer look at how you fill your day. Keep a journal for a few days and then you will see ways to free substantial time for all sorts of great achievements.

Check against everything you do in a regular day whether this needs doing or whether it can be relegated to the trash can of bad habits. You will be surprised how much time you spend on aimless tasks that add no value to your life.

Just canceling some of the time spent in front of the TV could help you find the time needed to attain a wonderful goal.

Tomorrow's topic “Goal Setting”

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you know your life purpose?

Many self-help books encourage you to explore what your personal life purpose statement is. And if you are like most people who are trying to discover their life purpose, you will be stuck for words and ideas.

What blocks you from being able to understand what you really want to do? Why does your life purpose escape you? Where have all your dreams and passions gone that you cannot identify them anymore?

These questions are very difficult to answer. You may find that self reflection is almost impossible. However, to find your personal life purpose it is necessary to scratch your way through the layers of pre-conditioning you have acquired over the years of your life.

Many people live their lives just making do, never finding that passion. With this comes a constant sense of dissatisfaction or discontent. You always feel as if you are missing out on something, that life is drifting past without having achieved anything.

These feelings come from inside of us where our inner self keeps on trying to let us know that what we are doing is not in line with our life purpose. Many people never find it and spend their life scratching at that niggling feeling that they are missing something.

Most often people we spend our time, energy, and resources trying to fill the void with other things. You may have experienced some of this yourself. You spend your money buying new clothes, cars or homes in the hope that it will make you feel good. You spend your time in unproductive ways, watching brain deadening television shows, or sedating yourself with alcohol or drugs.

It does feel good to drive that new car or move into a lovely home, and television, drugs, and alcohol help us escape reality but the escape is always short lived. It never lasts because it doesn’t address the underlying feelings of dissatisfaction and unease that we have.

You might find yourself drifting from one relationship to another, hoping to discover in the new partnership a feeling of completeness that you know is out there somewhere but that you are just not able to find.

If all those lovely new things don’t bring lasting happiness and our relationships are not fulfilling perhaps it’s time to start thinking about what our personal life purpose statement is. Discovering that and aligning yourself to it could be what you have been looking for for so long.

You will not be the only one looking for this answer. In recent years the number of best-seller books that deal with self-help and personal growth issues have grown exponentially. The popularity of the “The Secret” video stunned even the people who produced it.

It seems that people are waking up to the fact that they are not following their life purpose. In fact many have no idea what it could be. Often times we end up thinking that the problem is that we are not good enough, that we need to improve themselves in order to fit into someone else's idea of what we should be.

We think that if we work hard enough on the self-improvement angle then we will feel better about ourself and the life we lead. Is that the answer? Surely not.

Self-improvement work is often just another misleading direction to take. Finding your life purpose and following it is a better way to discovering inner happiness and contentment.

Tomorrow I'll start a series of postings that will lead you along the path towards discovering your life purpose. Until then...have a great day!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

See an opportunity in everything

When life throws you a nasty surprise what is your first reaction? Do you whine and cry that you always get the bad deals or do you wonder what opportunity this could be for you to take up?

What is the difference here? You still get the nasty surprise, but the approach to handling the nasty surprise is different. Which one would be the easier to handle?

It seems fairly obvious to me that life is easier to cope with if we have a positive attitude. Yet some people hang onto this negativity and complain about everything that goes wrong in their life.

We miss the bus, we complain. We have a few rainy days and it’s dreadful. Then there’s the car breaking down and it’s a disaster. What about the time your computer crashed and you lost a ton of data...was it as if the end of the world had hit you.?

Interestingly, any one of these could be an opportunity. Just to take the computer breaking down as an example. This could be a great opportunity to replace old technology with new, share the experience and spare others the misery, finally get that subscription to carbonite.com and never worry about hard drive failure again. It’s a great opportunity for a better deal.

If you approach each set-back as an opportunity suddenly things start to work better and it’s easier to cope. Whereas if you throw a huge amount of negativity at the situation it is much more difficult to cope with and leads to more frustration.

Of course it seems easier to write about seeing the opportunity on a beautiful day like today. The trick is to react that way when faced with the situation. Depends on what else is going on in your life this is often a challenging task. Loosing a hard drive with customer data, financial reports, or that term paper that is due tomorrow may require more creativity. . If you are already suffering because of other situations not playing out in your favor can also influence how a set-back affects you.

It really can be difficult to look at life with optimism when you are constantly battered with problems. You could have been diagnosed with having a major life threatening illness, find out you are being retrenched and your car breaks down. To be able to face all of these with optimism may seem impossible to do.

But then, facing life with disappointment and negativity makes all these difficult patches so much more awful to have to live through. Looking for the opportunity in them could be what makes life suddenly worth living.

It isn’t always the bad situations where you are able to look for opportunities. There are many instances where just ordinary situations can offer endless new opportunities for you. If you are open to seeing them regardless of what situation you find yourself in, it will be so much easier to grab hold of them.

You could be having lunch with a friend and find yourself discussing the possibility of sharing the costs of traveling to a country you have wanted to visit for a while. Or you could strike up a conversation with somebody next to you on a flight and find you have similar business interests and could do something together.

Whatever the situation, if you are actively viewing all of life with an open mind you will find that it gives you many more opportunities to achieve your goals.